Monday, March 26, 2012

So you Think your a Victorian?

Good Day Ladies and Gentleman, I just have three question for you all.. So you think your a Victorian? Do you know what it means to be a Victorian? And if not, do you have the ablility to act like one? I am Adela fashion designer of  Nine Couture and my assistants name is Ansel. We are your Fairy God Helpers when it comes to presenting yourself like a true royal. Ansel and I are going to give you all knowledege on how to be the perfect Victorian. You will be able to learn all of the Do's and Dont's of being a Proper English man or women. We are here to guide you and inform you that it takes a lot of work to be a Proper Victorian. You honestly have to all most be perfect, Well educated, clean, and you must carry yourself with pride. Victorians are proud people. We take proud in our fashion, and lifestyles. We will also show you the difference between the middle and upper classes. Many get them mixed up and some might take it offensively. You always want be respectful and if you don't know how, we are here to help you. We will also give the insight on many popular leisure things to do, and whats new around England. And also, what designer lines are up and coming. Remember fashion is forever changing but true Victorians never do. During these updates I will be helping all of the women and Ansel will be helping out the men. Especially when we talk about what to wear and what not to wear, for all you people who wear the wrong thing to a formal event. So, just sit back, relax, and watch out you never know what disaster will end up on our blog!!